Welcome to PBX
We are the Zeta chapter of Phi Beta Chi, a christian sisterhood at Texas A&M University. We meet once a week for a meeting to go over any events, service projects, or updates and to have a weekly bible study. Join PBX to get involved on campus, for leadership opportunities, or for a close-knit family to support you and your faith throughout college. For more information about PBX please visit the About Us page.
Our Purpose
We the sisters of Phi Beta Chi
Shall strive to be faithful and energetic Christian leaders,
and shall celebrate the Lutheran Heritage.
We stand for good scholarship, for the guarding of good health,
for the maintenance of fine standards,
​for service to church and humanity,
​and for the attainment of excellence in all of our endeavors.
In all of our activities we shall strive
​to be living symbols of the Rose of Sharon
and shall use Love through Life in Christ
​as the ideal which shall guide our lives.
For I am the Rose of Sharon,
the Lily of the Field.